New to Gloria Dei?

You are welcome among Gloria Dei! We want you to know who we are and what we are about. But, we also want to know who you are and what you are all about.

Let’s figure this faith thing out together.

About Our Congregation

Get Involved

We invite you to worship, learn, and serve with us!

There are many ways to get involved at Gloria Dei.  Here are few:

Worship with Us

We have two services with Holy Communion on Sunday mornings throughout the year.

In the summer, we also have a Sunday evening prayer service at Jacobsville Chapel.

See current worship times…

Our worship is steeped in the ancient Christian liturgical tradition.

We sing lots. We hear the Word of God read and proclaimed. We pray. We receive Holy Communion nearly every week. Then we are sent into the world to worship God and follow Jesus to our neighbor.

Please come as you are. Some of us choose to wear ties while some of us choose tshirts. Some of us choose to wear dresses while some of us choose jeans or shorts. Some of us want to be dressed up while some of us want to be informal.

It really is a mix, so come as you are.

We want your kids in worship as much as possible. We understand that they may not sit still, they may talk or cry, they may bang on the hymnals like drums. But, we want to see your kids worshiping with you.

Two reasons: 1) because we want all children to know and learn the ancient practice of worship, and 2) because when children worship with their family they see how important it is to you and by your example they will catch the faith we share in Christ Jesus

We also understand that some parents will want the occasional break to worship free from responsibility. We do have a nursery staffed with selfless, caring volunteers from September through May for children 5 years old and younger.

Still have questions? Call the church office at (906) 482-2381 or fill out our online contact form and we’d be happy to answer them.

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church